Complies With

Wood Mulch Playground Surface

Certified wood playground mulch (wood mulch) is an engineered wood fiber that meets ASTM and/or IPEMA standards when used in the correct amounts and applications. This playground surface will need maintenance to keep up with the standards.

While wood mulch is one of the least expensive options, it does require the most material. To meet ASTM and/or IPEMA standards on our King Swings Commercial playgrounds, each set will need 12” of uncompressed wood chips.

For more information, download our Certified Wood Playground Mulch Info Sheet pdf below.

Product Specs

Pricing: Per Cubic Yards
Installation: Typically, Same Day as the Playground
Require Maintenance: Yes (See PDF)
Impect Attenuation: 12” of Uncompressed Wood Mulch
Colors: Color May Vary Due to Natural Product

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