Complies With

Colored Rubber Mulch

Rubber mulch is an effective impact-attenuating surface. While not as inexpensive as wood chips, it provides superior protection.

Made from recycled rubber tires, rubber mulch won’t biodegrade. Rubber mulch is low maintenance, usually installed the same day, and provides excellent protection without breaking your budget. To meet ASTM standards, our playgrounds need 6” of compressed rubber mulch.

A 12-year guarantee from the manufacturer backs the color of your mulch. Bugs are not attracted to rubber nuggets. Non-toxic, this mulch will not harm children or pets even if swallowed.

You can download a detailed information sheet below.


Product Specs

Pricing: Per Ton
Installation: Typically, Same Day as the Playground
Requires Maintenance: Yes (See PDF)
Impact Attenuation: 6” of Compacted Rubber Mulch
Colors: Black, Red, Blue, Green, Brown, “Speckled” Black